Section: Software


Participant : F. Hermenier.

Btrplace (http://btrp.inria.fr ) is an open source virtual machine (VM) placement algorithm for datacenters. BtrPlace has been designed to be extensible. It can be customized by plugins from third party developers to address new SLAs or optimization objectives. Its extensibility is possible thanks to a composable core reconfiguration algorithm implemented using Constraint Programming.

Btrplace is a part of the OW2 project Entropy. It has been originally developed by Fabien Hermenier during its PhD at the Ecole des Mines of Nantes. BtrPlace is now a standalone project that is currently used to address fault tolerance, isolation, infrastructure management, performance, and energy efficiency concerns inside the national project OpenCloudWare (http://opencloudware.org/ ) and the European project Fit4Green.

This year, our development has been guided by our collaborations. The Fit4Green project chose to rely on BtrPlace to compute an energy-efficient placement for their VMs while some partners inside OpenCloudWare required new placement constraints. The inferring capabilities of BtrPlace and its catalog of placement constraint have then been upgraded accordingly.